Pension Office News | September 2018
- It is getting that time of year again. Next month you will be receiving the Yearly Reporting Forms Packet. Remember, the Pension office will NOT be able to notarize your forms for you due to new laws and regulations. We will be able to collect completed, notarized documents if you attend either the Retired Officers meeting or a RAP meeting.
- In December, for those of you that are still working or have a coverage by their employed spouses and premium share, send in proof of premium payment, proof of the sharing costs for the months of June through November for reimbursement.
- In November, look for the Guardian published or the on line RSPOA Medicare Part B Reimbursement Form. If you pay more than the standard monthly rate of $109.00, you must include proof of your cost with the reimbursement. Questions, please call the office or email
- At the deadline time for October’s Guardian article we have not heard the Guild CBA vote so don’t expect any excess benefit retro until after the first of the year.
- Attendance at the 75th Retired Officers Banquet was 375. The three lowest serial numbered officers in attendance were: Phil Cruse #1287, Marty Spotanske #1537 and Mary Hallowell #1656. This was the first time the lowest number had four digits. Ed Haynes #4492 was recognized for his last Honor Guard Detail. He has been with the attrited Marching Drill Team and the Honor Guard for a total of 38 years.
- This years RAP Picnic was one of the least attended functions even though the weather and company was pleasant. The Bocce Ball competition was so gruesome that the three finalist teams were so wore out that their liniment and aspirin treatments were of no avail. So, the three teams agreed to declare a default tie and the winners were Nice and Dean; Riley and Shaun; Dave and Jan.
- Attention SNOWBIRDS – remember to notify the office of your winter address and make sure to have the post office forward your mail. Call Stephanie at 206-386-1286, option 3, or email
- Pension Verification Letters – Typically, when purchasing another home or refinancing your home, your lender may require a “Pension Verification Letter.” These letters can take up to a business week to complete. If you are receiving a pension from DRS only, you can log onto your DRS account ( and print the letter out directly! If you are dually entitled and receiving a City check, you will need to call our office at 206-386-1286 option #2 and request a letter. We will work on each request in the order they are received. Please be kind and give us some lead time.
- ATTENTION, ATTENTION – if you are considering home care, assisted living, or some other facility care, be sure to call Jan at 206-386-1286, Option #1, before taking any action. She will gladly advise and assist you.
New Retirements
There are no retirements to report this month.
Wives & Widows
Elsie Freeland, wife of deceased retired Seattle Police Patrolman James Freeland #478, passed away on July 3, 2018 at the age of 101.
Eiko Wiggins, wife of deceased retired Seattle Police Patrolman Truman Wiggins #1994, passed away on July 23, 2018 at the age of 87.